Ecuador La Florida Typica – Limited Edition

27,00  IVA inc.

IVA incluido

Tropical, very orange and irresistibly irresistible. Those were our thoughts after the first sips of this fabulous Typica Natural from Hacienda La Florida. A very intense fragrance, a juicy and clean body, and floral, tropical, and honeyed notes in each phase. The aftertaste of milk chocolate is not to be missed. The cherries are fermented for 4 days in hermetically sealed stainless steel tanks. Then, the cherries are dried until they reach 18% humidity, placed in GrainPro bags, and left to rest in a dark room for 10 days. This is called “enzymatic rest,” where coffee microorganisms are encouraged to continue their process, thus achieving a more complex profile. Finally, a second drying process is carried out in a dark and ventilated room where temperature and humidity are controlled. When the humidity in the coffee reaches 10.5%, the coffee is allowed to stabilize.

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